at Window-Drawing Diary, Gallery Jinsun, Seoul, Korea, 2 - 25 FEB, 2006
On January 1, 2007, I missed my flight at the airport, 2007. Enamel and acrylic on canvas, 80 x 116cm.
On January 1, 2007, I missed my flight at the airport, 2007. Enamel and acrylic on canvas, 80 x 116cm.
At first glance, this work may seem simple, like a drawing or calligraphy, but for someone like me who specializes in sculpture, it is the trace of an act that records the floating in space, rather than an illusion on a flat surface. Just like a craftsman pulling out a thread.

Observing the slow flow, pausing to catch my breath,
Slowly, slowly, I record the traces of the act.
The awareness that it may not be filling enough or that I have done too much,
They are like daily diaries that prove everyday life,
Ordinary yet precious moments.

-The gap between objective anniversaries and subjective days.
-Reflections on both Eastern and Western influences.
-A lightness that doesn’t lose seriousness.
-Reflections on the organic nature of plants and animals.
-The spatial aesthetics of Asian calligraphy.
-Questions about the meaning and signification of linguistic symbols.
-Expression of the boundary arising from the heterogeneity of acrylic and enamel materials.

While encompassing all of these things, and yet not being any of these things, I hope to reach the realm beyond perception, the realm of meta. I look forward to sharing a meditation that is not boring to look at.
On April 19, 2006, my Chinese friend turned 33 years old, 2007. Enamel and acrylic on canvas, 80 x 116cm
On April 19, 2006, my Chinese friend turned 33 years old, 2007. Enamel and acrylic on canvas, 80 x 116cm
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